Isagenix Cleanse for Life is a diet supplement drink that supposedly gives:
- More energy.
- Natural weight loss.
- Reduced cravings.
- Improved muscle tone.
- Balanced digestion.
- Greater mental focus (website).
This Cleanse for Life review will explain the untold truths about Cleanse for Life and its manufacturer, Isagenix, to give you the full story behind this product.
Isagenix Cleanse for Life Ingredients
- Sodium (45mg ) is necessary for health but does not contribute to weight loss.
- Potassium (70 mg) does not contribute to weight loss.
- Total Carbohydrate 10g.
- Dietary Fiber (1g ) is very important in health, but it does not directly contribute to weight loss.
- Sugars 8 g.
- Other Carbohydrate 1g.
- Vitamin B3 (niacin) 8 mg.
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 8 mg.
- Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) 30 mcg.
- Proprietary Blend 100 ml.
- Aloe Vera Leaf gel is used in many skincare products, but it has not been shown to contribute to weight loss.
- IsaLyte trace minerals.
- Pau DArco inner bark.
- Suma root is supposed to keep hormonal balance. There is no proof that it contributes to weight loss.
- Eleutherococcus Senticocus root extract is supposed to increase the immune system; it does not contribute to weight loss.
- Burdock root.
- Fennel seed.
- Peppermint leaf.
- Licorice root.
- Choline bitartrate is contained in many diet supplements which claim choline reduces body fat, but there is no evidence to back up this claim.
- Inositol helps transport fat from the liver. It is used to treat depression and ADD.
- Betaine HCl.
- L-Methionine helps breakdown fats and aids in digestion. It is not recommended that you supplement with L-Methionine unless directed by your doctor.
The Truth Behind Isagenix Cleanse for Life
The Cleanse for Life website (the Isagenix company website) is quite frustrating. There are no prices listed and no guarantee listed either.
Of course, they do not say how much of each ingredient is included (supposedly because they don’t want anyone stealing their formula).
Well, we contacted Isagenix customer service, and here is what we found:
If you sign up for a yearly membership ($39 per year), you get a discount on Isagenix products.
Before they will give you the price for a single bottle of Cleanse for Life they try to sell you their 30 Day Cleanse (which costs $374 without a membership and $260 with one).
If that doesn’t work they try to sell you the 9 Day Cleanse (which costs $174.95 without a membership and $130 with one).
These extended days cleanse programs include several products including Cleanse for Life.
Finally, they told me the price of one single bottle of Cleanse for Life. It is $43 without a membership and $32 with one. One bottle of Cleanse for Life lasts 2 days.
Isagenix employs Multi-Level Marketing tactics, although they do not call them such. In other words, they try to get you to sell Isagenix products and give you a cut of everything you sell. Maybe that is why they don’t list their prices online – you get a different price depending on how much you have sold and who you buy it through.
Isagenix does have a 30-day money-back guarantee. However, they will not refund your membership fee. We like that they will return your money (minus shipping and handling), but we like to see a guarantee of 90 days.
Where to buy Isagenix Cleanse for Life
You can find it on Amazon for $42 per bottle.
Isagenix Cleanse for Life Review Conclusion
This Cleanse for Life review finds that Cleanse for Life seems like nothing more than a scam.
It does not contain any proven ingredients, and the marketing is misleading and confusing.
If you really want to lose weight, use a diet pill with proven ingredients in proven amounts.