Lipovox Review

Lipovox Review

Lipovox is one of my favorite diet pills.

Not because it has some amazing ingredients (though they do score points for being unique) or flashy packaging, but because they have the most unique sales pitch I’ve ever read.


The Lipovox Story

They let it start out in the serene state of Hawaii.

The gist of it is (and I cant confirm the veracity of the story, entertaining yes, true? Who knows.

It’s probably somewhere in between) that a college student was watching Oprah where a certain Dr. Perricone was on the show talking about superfoods that combat the body’s natural aging process.

The end of the story is that people not only improved their skin but also lost weight. Too good to be true? I took a closer look.

Lipovox Ingredients (the Superfoods)

One of the superfoods listed is wheatgrass, which I reviewed (I’m neutral on it healthy, yes, but does it do all the things proponents claim it can do? Research is lacking).

Anything from the Allium Family includes garlic, which is what Lipovox includes. Garlic is a very healthy supplement. I took an in-depth look at garlic earlier today.

The full list of Lipovox ingredients (there are a ton):

  • Brazilian Acai.
  • Cayenne Pepper Fruit.
  • Garlic.
  • Soybeans Isoflavones.
  • Barley.
  • Wheatgrass.
  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus.
  • Alfalfa Sprouts.
  • Flaxseed.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Green Tea Extract.
  • Salmon Oil Powder.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid.
  • DMAE.

I hope to eventually review all of the ingredients included in Lipovox, but the heavy-hitting weight loss ingredient (Green Tea) is already covered.

Flaxseed and Buckwheat should help with appetite suppression and it’s a given that Lactobacillus Acidophilus is a healthy probiotic.

It’s a tossup. They don’t provide supplement facts, so it’s impossible to tell how much of these ingredients are in Lipovox.

As you can read in my review of Green Tea, research indicates that Green Tea does increase the metabolic rate and, hence, help you burn more calories.

These other ingredients are healthful so all in all, the ingredient profile here is pretty strong.

Lipovox Customer Service

Email #1

I emailed Lipovox customer service and inquired about my order that I had placed two weeks before.

I didn’t act irate, but the tone of my email was certainly one of annoyance.

They responded in 10 minutes literally. I thought that was a bit of an anomaly (maybe they were doing emails right then and I got lucky).

Email #2

So I sent another the next day from a different email address under a different name, different wording but similar situation. The response came back in three hours.

You may consider implementing this customer service strategy with any company where you’re considering purchasing.

It’s important that you don’t just inquire about purchasing.

Of course, they’re going to answer that one quickly.

You have to pretend you’ve already purchased and gauge their willingness to respond to you once they already have your money.

The Lipovox customer service team passed my little test.

Lipovox Acne Spin

I don’t know how I feel about Dr. Perricone. It seems to me it’s just his way of making a buck.

If your skin does improve taking Lipovox, just consider it gravy I wouldn’t buy this as a skincare pill.

I would buy it as a weight loss pill with a potential side benefit.

Lipovox Testimonials

If you read this site for longer than about three minutes you’ll realize that I don’t put any stock in testimonials as they are written on a company’s website. Those are far too easy to fabricate.

I do attempt to find feedback about products that come from actual users of the product. Internet forums don’t help.

Anyone can post there. Blogs don’t help. Anyone can leave a comment. Amazon?

That’s a bit better. Though even with Amazon, anyone can leave a review. eBay? eBays a special case and one that I like.

You can only give feedback if you’re on record as having purchased that product from that seller.

I found Lipovox for sale on eBay and it appears that the Lipovox company is the outlet there.

I contacted the seller and verified that they are indeed the same company as

They’re feedback there, as of this writing, is at 98.5% with over 50,000 feedback ratings! I couldn’t believe their success there.

Now, eBay feedback is taken into consideration, maybe this college kid really did stumble onto something.

I don’t put a lot of stock into the superfoods, as I’ve already mentioned, but I’m having a hard time coming up with the reason why in the face of their actual customer feedback.

The Good and the Bad


I don’t like it when companies place images of magazines on their site to somehow add credibility.

Lipovox did that with their Oprah, Shape, Fitness, and Self magazines spread across the top. Yes, Oprah talked about the superfoods with Dr. Perricone, but that is hardly an endorsement for Lipovox specifically.

They don’t provide supplement facts. Not many do without some sort of proprietary blend (off the top of my head, Fenphedra does) I wish the Lipovox company would.

They don’t provide a lot of information about the company behind Lipovox.

While I’m put at ease when they respond to emails so quickly, I still wish they’d maybe say how long they’ve been around (from the eBay presence, I would say it’s several years, probably 3 or 4).


Green Tea is an effective ingredient for weight loss and they have it in there. The other ingredients are certainly healthful.

They offer a moneyback guarantee and don’t try and rope you into some crappy, rip-off autoship like thermocerin and lipocerin.

Side effects are not very likely since the ingredients are natural.

Where to buy Lipovox

A one month supply of Lipovox can be found at Amazon for $23.95 + $3.99 shipping.

Lipovox Review Conclusion

A new spin on an old problem, astounding track record on eBay, a bit hypey on the marketing side, but overall a contender in the diet pill market. I give Lipovox a redlight.

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